Craft instructions: Grasping ring with name

Make your own grasping ring out of wooden beads

Making your own grasping ring with name is a nice creative activity with a cute and practical result. It is a baby accessory that promotes the child's sense of touch and sight. These craft instructions for a grasping ring show you how it's done! We hope you have lots of fun.

Crafting a grasping ring takes about 30 minutes. If you have never done much or any crafting with wooden beads, we recommend that you try your hand at making a dummy chain with a name beforehand.

Video tutorial on how to make a grasping ring

The craft materials and tools for making a grasping ring with a name

handicraft materials and tools for grasping rings

The craft materials:

The tools:

  • scissors
  • lighter
  • tweezers
  • 1 piece of satin cord

Step 1: Stringing the first safety bead and the half ring

stringing the first safety bead and the half ring for a grasping ring

Cut a piece of the polyester string long enough for the bottom bead strand. Lay it double. Knot the piece of satin cord to the loop end. The satin cord makes it easier to string the wooden beads. On the other hand, you can use it to get through the side holes of the half ring.

String a safety bead with the larger hole facing outwards. Make a double knot and pull it into the safety bead. Weld the cord ends and the double knot's outer part with the lighter's flame. If necessary, push the knot neatly into the safety bead with the tweezers.

Thread a lentil bead and pass the polyester cord through the side hole of the half ring from top to bottom using the satin cord.

Step 2: Stringing the wooden beads and rings

stringing wooden beads and wooden rings of a grasping ring

Now string on the wooden beads and letter cubes of the lower bead strand one by one. Slide the 36 mm wooden rings over the half ring. Using the satin cord, thread the polyester cord from the bottom up through the other side hole of the half ring.

Step 3: Attaching the second safety bead

attaching the second safety bead of a grasping ring

String on a lentil bead. Cut the satin cord off and cut the polyester cord loop open. Melt both cord ends. Tie a simple knot with both ends. String on the second safety bead so that the larger opening is facing outwards. Slide the safety bead with the smaller opening over the pre-knot.

Tie a double knot into the larger opening of the safety bead. Shorten the ends of the cord and fuse the knot. If necessary, push the knot neatly back into the opening by using tweezers.

Step 4: Stringing the middle strand

make the middle bead strand of a grasping ring

Double the remaining piece of polyester cord. String the bell over one of the ends so that it is at the end of the loop. Melt both cord ends and weld one of the ends so that it is stuck underneath the other.

String on the wooden beads that are to lie under the half ring. Now push the cord through the half ring's middle hole from below. Then string on a lentil bead.

Step 5: Attaching the last safety bead

attaching the last safety bead of a grasping ring

Pull the two cord ends apart again. Tie a simple knot on the lentil bead. Slide the last safety bead over both cord ends with the larger opening facing outwards. Pull the safety bead with the smaller opening over the pre-knot. Tie a double knot into the larger opening. Shorten the ends of the cord and fuse the double knot. Push the knot into the safety bead with the tweezers if necessary.

Done! We wish the child lots of fun with your homemade grasping ring.

6 Good Reasons for Homemade Grasping Rings With Names

It's worth making a grasping ring yourself. Discover the advantages of this cute baby accessory:

  1. Individual personalisation: You make your grasping ring bead by bead yourself. This gives you creative freedom – be it the wooden bead's colours, motifs or shapes. You can also choose extras such as bells and rings yourself. Personalise the grasping ring with your child's first name or date of birth.
  2. Child development: A grasping ring supports the development of your baby's fine motor skills and sense of touch. The child reaches for the grasping ring and explores its surface by touching and biting it. Hearing is also stimulated by the ringing of the little bell and the rattling of the wooden rings.
  3. Activity with meaning: The various colours and different shapes of your individually designed grasping ring will arouse your darling's curiosity. The diverse sensory impressions are a valuable experience.
  4. Personalised baby gift for the birth: You have made your grasping ring by hand yourself – with care and love. Thus it is something special. In addition to its useful function, your handmade grasping ring certainly also has a cute design. These reasons make it a wonderful gift for a birth.
  5. Material that is suitable for children: You have made your grasping ring by hand yourself. Therefore you know all its components. If you have bought the craft materials from Lemonissimo, you know that they are suitable for children: from the half ring and the wooden rings to the beads and the little bell.
  6. Valuable memento of childhood: Your self-made grasping ring accompanies your baby in an essential learning phase. Such everyday companions are later a beautiful memento with emotional value for many children and parents.